information architecture

Content strategy for Inbound Marketing

To explain this project I am not allowed to write down any names or show any data, therefore I explain the methods, the instruments, and the final result.

I will use [company] instead of displaying the real company name.

“67% of users are more likely to book with a brand that provides relevant information for which they’re interested in”

The starting point

[Company]‘s inbound marketing department produces a large number of content to help user gather information about the topic they are interested in.

User interviews and usability tests have shown that those information are not always easy to understand, those info sometimes appear difficult to find and users don’t know exactly what kind of information they could find on the website.

Best practice 

Information architecture is the art and science of organizing, labeling and tagging content, it is about building relationship between contents

It is design for finding: help people find information – help business to have their own information found and design for understanding : help people understand information – help business to have their own information understood.

What to focus on

Know what users want – WHY so that…

  • the system can show to users what they expect and what they want to find – improve user experience

Understand keywords, tone of voice and vocabularies (labels)  so that…

  • the system and users can speak the same language

Content type inventory so that…

  • we can build strong relationship between content type/pages (existing and fresh)

Work in agile so that…

we can easily prototype, test and iterate

Project goal (business prespective)

Main goal: Increase the numbers of users who book what they need using [company] website

Project goals:

Lead people further in the funnel – booking phase

  • Reduce bounce rate
  • Increase time on site
  • Increase the position on google serp
  • Increase conversion rate

Save time and money working in Agile

DESIGN PROCESS – system functions


user needs + insights
i.g. Users: We want to know if there are specific content that fit our interests


i.g. Project team: Which kind of content type should be shown?


type of content
System shows: specific content type based on the research result







Alice and her family (husband and two little kids – 2 and 4 y/o) are about to go on holiday. One close friend of hers, Sara, suggested she go to Sardinia since she was there with her family two years ago and they enjoyed it a lot.
Alice decides to look it up on the internet to gather some information about Sardinia.
She opens her laptop and writes on google page “family vacation Sardinia”, she finds a link to [company] website…


How might we help Alice find and understand useful information about upcoming holidays in Sardinia?


In the research phase, we discovered a list of the type of content that the user is looking for while searching for info about a destination. We prioritized them and wrote down “why” these types of content are important (the motivation of users to search for certain content types is useful for the ux writer, to define texts, labels, call to action,…).

A decision-making process map was drawn in order to understand the user’s behavior and highlight the turning point

In parallel, a type of content inventory was listed as well as an as-is wireframe of the existing online page

A new wireframe was drawn with the existing content, plus the new type of content that turn out to be important for the user. Both existing and fresh content was put in a precise order that respected the decision-making process map.



starting from 3 – 6 months

  1. work on different existing pages (level search page, detail page, …)
  2. define measurements
  3. user-research/user test/benchmark/as-is
  4. find system functions
  5. find solutions – prototype – iterate
  6. develop solutions
  7. measure performance
_ Instruments

Google doc

